In a kitchen in Yuma

Once when my kids were young, and we were out of the city at a summer trailer
park..I looked up and there was a cloud formation that looked just like the Virgin
Mary standing straight, her hands folder in prayer. I asked my oldest boy to
look at the clouds and tell me what he saw, and he said.. that looks like
Mary.It happens. But come on folks, there are easier ways to deliver messages than
via odd pictures on the wall and cloude. Our atheist friends are amused and I would think more certain in their position. It happens, but so does real life. Let's stay
real.Oh and by the way, white pigeons flying past the car while winking at you are
most probably not the Holy Spirit. Either is blubbering in 'tounges', but that's
another topic.
An image of the Virgin Mary has appeared in Yuma — on the kitchen wall of Angela Sandoval's house.
Although the family doesn't believe in praying to the image or creating shrines before it, Sandoval takes the appearance to be a calling from God through the Virgin for the Sandoval family to come closer to him, she said.
The Sandovals regularly attend Mass at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission — but Veronica has not been as regular in her worship, her mother said."
I plead to God and the Virgin to call on her so that she returns to the church. I pray to God every day. If the revelation was made to her (Veronica), I feel joy because she saw (the image)," said Sandoval, who is a lay eucharistic minister.
After leaving her mother's house Monday, Veronica drove past 15th Avenue near the Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission and saw a white dove flying right across her car. The dove, which caught her attention because they are not common in Yuma, flew to a tree and turned in her direction, Veronica said."
It was white, white like snow," she said. "I felt something, but I don't know how to explain it ... I felt something stronger when I saw the dove than the image."
That, Sandoval said, was a sign from the Holy Spirit confirming to Veronica that what she saw in the kitchen was a true calling from God through the appearance of the Virgin of Guadalupe."We're happy, it's a blessing from God and the Virgin,".