Forget smoking, infidelity kills better

Look at a group of 20 to 24 year old girls. Odds are almost half are carrying the HPV virus in their womb that causes cervical cancer.
How did they get that lil bug? Yup, multi-partner sex.
And that new vaccine they want to fill our grade school girls with? Under 4% of the study group carried the strain that the vaccine would protect against.
And do you know what NBC Nightly News reccomends? Safe sex.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let's get this straight. It is multi-partner sex that spreads the array of killing diseases. Gay men that have to poke every hole they can find. Straight younguns that go from person to person fornicating until they finally get old and decide to settle down and maybe make a baby on purpose. Until that time sex is a plaything, then just maybe they will let a baby live.
We are acting like fat, self-centered, self-esteemed barn animals.
The answer is not to find safer latex, but to procreate with the one single spouse as we were meant to. Clearly taught by the Catholic Church at all times, and most other Christians until the last 30 years.
It's just plain stupid. Why can't people wake up to simplicity? Could it be the advertisment I just saw on TV of young girls wanting to be 'one less' woman who gets cervical cancer by guess what??? That's right, getting the vaccine.
Jesus calls this malady blindness. But no one under the influence believes that.
Just how much light needs to show on our dark activities until we can wake up as adults? Not enough yet it seems.
One in four U.S. women ages 14 to 59 is infected with the sexually transmitted virus that in some forms can cause cervical cancer, according to the first broad national estimate.
Researchers have estimated that 20 million Americans have some form of HPV. The study concluded that 26.8 percent of U.S. women are infected, a figure that is comparable to earlier estimates using smaller groups.
There are dozens of strains of HPV. Low-risk forms can cause genital warts and non-cancerous changes in cells in the cervix, and often clear without treatment. Several high-risk forms have been linked with cervical cancer.
And the overall HPV prevalence among the youngest women studied, 14-to-24-year-olds, was substantially higher than in previous estimates, 7.5 million versus 4.6 million.
The highest prevalence — nearly 45 percent — was found in young women within the age range recommended for a new virus-fighting vaccine, according to a report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.