Sisters of St Joseph Carondelet

Interesting things Catholic
Ever since the Vatican brought up the subject, it has been running through my mind while driving that I ought to be more charitable. It has probably made some slight bit of difference.
Well this study confirms it.. I live in a good driving State.
The following state rankings were released for the 2007 GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test:
1. Idaho.
2. Alaska
3. Minnesota
4. Wisconsin
If you're in an idiot driver state, maybe there aren't enough Catholics there.
Oh, and what about New Zealand and their immigration "problem". Here in the U.S., it's smokers who are the current lepers. But just wait all the self-rightous out there, there's more to come to a place near you.
Got a little too much BMI? That makes you expensive and unwanted. Slim down or go stand 100 feet from the entrance door with the other leper smokers. It's only logical so shut-up and be the sheep we all know deep down under we are.
The New Zealand immigration service said it had no idea how many people were denied entry because of their weight. The BMI test is not mentioned on its website, however, and the health requirements for prospective residents stipulate only that they should not require dialysis or have tuberculosis, haemophilia or a disability requiring full-time care.
Robyn Toomath, an endocrinologist, of the New Zealand campaign group Fight the Obesity Epidemic, said the country could not afford to admit migrants who would be a drain on health services. "You can see the logic in assessing if there is a significant health cost associated with this individual, and that would be a reason for them not coming," she said.
Mr Trezise's wife, who is also classified as overweight, is still at home trying to shed pounds so that she meets the BMI requirements and can join her husband in New Zealand.
Mr Trezise has promised her that if she is unable to lose enough weight and pass the immigration test by Christmas, he will return to Britain for good. But he pointed out that has private health care and his employer has a gym membership scheme. "The idea was that we were going to change our lifestyle totally and get outdoors and on mountain bikes and all sorts," he said.
I saw some show somewhere sometime on PBS discussing how impassioned arguments within the same religious denominations can be over things an outsider would consider insignificant.
A space traveler arriving on earth would have a tough time recognizing the differences between the Orthodox and Roman Catholics. They believe the same things, yet they stand apart from each other.
Well, there is that little thing about Peter’s primacy still. Plus 1,000 years of isolated doctrinal development. Yet miracle of miracles, the developed doctrines and scriptural understandings do not clash, but enrich. We are all still Catholics.
Now about that Peter thing, finally we are putting our talk on paper and agreeing on something! Admittedly, without the Russians at the table, but still, something good and forward moving.
All it will take is time, of which we seem to have lots of. Jesus’ glorious return is still delayed for many excellent mysterious reasons only the Father knows. Perhaps uniting the Roman and Orthodox will remove one of those reasons.
Rome, Nov. 14, 2007 ( - Talks between Catholic and Orthodox theologians held in Ravenna, Italy, in October produced a framework for agreement about the primacy of the Pope, according to a report in the Italian daily La Repubblica.
The top Vatican representative at the Ravenna talks has cautioned that a 46-paragraph final document approved by the participants should not be seen as a dramatic step toward Orthodox acceptance of the Pope's authority, since it does not resolve questions about the nature of papal authority.
"While the fact of primacy at the universal level is accepted by both East and West," the Ravenna statement continued, "there are differences of understanding with regard to the manner in which it is to be exercised, and also with regard to its scriptural and theological foundations."
Cardinal Kasper told Vatican Radio that the Ravenna document will for the basis for further talks. In future meetings, he said, "we have have to go on to clarify the details."
... The Ravenna meeting was conducted under a cloud because the Russian Orthodox delegation-- representing by far the largest Orthodox Church in the world-- walked out of the meeting at the beginning of the discussions, in a dispute over the seating of a delegation from the Estonian Orthodox Church, which Moscow does not recognize.
Some nice information on adoption that I was not aware of. Mainly that it does not have to be prohibitively expensive.
The article also makes an interesting statement...
Bradley referred to one of the biblical imperatives for true religion: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans.” (James 1:27).
In "Orphans vs. American Dream," an article on, Anthony Bradley asked, "Why does America have orphans if it has Christian churches?"
It is sad that Catholic adoption agencies are being shut down because of the liberal government's mistaken notion that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt. Still, adopting foster children looks like a inexpensive way to do some real good.
According to Voice of the Orphan, an outreach of FamilyLife Today, 143 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents, and at least 16.2 million children worldwide have lost both parents. Closer to home, more than 800,000 children pass through America’s foster care system each year. On average, children waiting for adoption have been in foster care for 43.8 months, almost four years. More than one-third of Americans have seriously considered adopting, but no more than 2 percent have followed through.
“When you adopt from foster care,” Noll said, “parents’ rights are terminated. And it doesn’t cost thousands of dollars; it only costs a simple fee. Plus you get a monthly stipend as Aid to Adoptive Parents until the child is 19 or finishes high school—and that’s not taxable—and the children get Medi-Cal.”
Some prospective adoptive parents might be concerned about “problem” children in the foster care system, but Noll said most of the children they have placed from their office are under age 5.