Adoption love

Some nice information on adoption that I was not aware of. Mainly that it does not have to be prohibitively expensive.
The article also makes an interesting statement...
Bradley referred to one of the biblical imperatives for true religion: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans.” (James 1:27).
In "Orphans vs. American Dream," an article on, Anthony Bradley asked, "Why does America have orphans if it has Christian churches?"
It is sad that Catholic adoption agencies are being shut down because of the liberal government's mistaken notion that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt. Still, adopting foster children looks like a inexpensive way to do some real good.
According to Voice of the Orphan, an outreach of FamilyLife Today, 143 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents, and at least 16.2 million children worldwide have lost both parents. Closer to home, more than 800,000 children pass through America’s foster care system each year. On average, children waiting for adoption have been in foster care for 43.8 months, almost four years. More than one-third of Americans have seriously considered adopting, but no more than 2 percent have followed through.
“When you adopt from foster care,” Noll said, “parents’ rights are terminated. And it doesn’t cost thousands of dollars; it only costs a simple fee. Plus you get a monthly stipend as Aid to Adoptive Parents until the child is 19 or finishes high school—and that’s not taxable—and the children get Medi-Cal.”
Some prospective adoptive parents might be concerned about “problem” children in the foster care system, but Noll said most of the children they have placed from their office are under age 5.
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