Sisters of St Joseph Carondelet

Wow. What is it about St. Paul and Minneapolis that is driving their spirit? Something in the dirt?
We have the St. Francis Cabrini parish who proudly will "bless" homosexual partners... link
And then these sisters of which at least one is a clown "Rosey Red".
Who's running things up there I wonder.
These women like something called Cosmos..
A view of the whole world as God's good creation is an inclusive turn to the heavens and the earth, a return to cosmology, in order to restore fullness of vision and get theology back on the track from which it diverged a few hundred years ago.
To these poor women, it's theology that's left the tracks, not themselves. Very inclusive I'm sure including Mars and Venus. link
Then there's this piece re "CLOWNS ARE RESURRECTION BEINGS" link
Long ago and far away, a clown gave the homily one Sunday. She had enlisted the aid of a fellow theology student who informed us that she followed a clowning tradition that holds that a whiteface clown never speaks.
A ministering clown is a truth-revealer. She ought never to be a being of fright or unease, and if she finds that she is, she tries to take that fear and transform it. Our clown homilist did just that with several people who were uneasy about her presence, by gently mirroring their defensive postures until they recognized themselves in her movements and were able to laugh and let go of their fear.
In preparing to write this, I spent some time surveying the development of feminist and womanist theologies of suffering, solidarity and atonement. What I found reminded me of that ministering clown.
Theologies that suggest that certain people are to put up with abusive or inhumane treatment lend themselves dangerously to patriarchal ends, not Christian ones. Again and again Jesus took fear upon himself and transformed it. He confronted those who would have stoned the adulterous woman. He spoke to the woman at the well and changed her life, and the life of her whole community.
Like the clown, the task of women in the church is to take the fear and transform it by naming it, by refusing to live by it, and by actively dismantling it. We must take the thing that has been made sacred --the patriarchal values -- and render them profane, so that what is truly sacred -- the plan of creation announced by Jesus -- can take its place.
Let's see here.. a she-clown gave a homily... There is a woman theology of suffering... patriarchal ends are not Christian, but rather abusive and inhumane.
I am guessing that the trail of Bishops up there has for many years left their parishes without leadership. Religious houses are self supervised, and can get wacky. But the parishes such as St. Francis are under the Bishop's control should he choose to have any.
Very sad huh? If it's between the cold winters, the dirt, or the devil, I suggest it's the latter.
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