Wisconsin Bishops like the vote

Wisconsin's Catholic bishops were pleased with the state Assembly's decision to send to the voters a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between one man and one woman, according to the head of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.
"Wisconsin is one step closer to placing this question before the voters and the strong vote in favor of the resolution mirrors the public sentiment on the issue," said John Huebscher, executive director of the conference, in a statement.
"The bishops anticipate that when given the chance to approve this amendment, the voters will do so, as they have in other states where the question was put before them," he added.
The 43-word amendment recognizes only marriage between one man and one woman and does not give similar legal status to civil unions between unmarried individuals.
"As to the debate between now and November, the bishops hope all citizens will repudiate words and deeds that demean individuals with a homosexual orientation," Huebscher said.
"Supporters of this amendment must serve only to affirm marriage,
not foster hostility to any group or individual.
The bishops hope they will do so with
compassion and
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