More gay buzz: Denver adoptions, Brokeback

In an uncommonly clear and straightforward statement, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Denver has publicly voiced the problem with homosexual adoption. James H. Mauck, President of Catholic Charities Denver, has stated that, "It is apparent that there are some who wish to compel Catholic Charities to place children with couples whose life choices run contrary to the values and beliefs of Catholic Charities and many other non-profit child placing agencies. This demand is imprudent and wrong."
Even Mauk's statements can be seen as soft-pedalling the Catholic teaching which considers adoption by homosexual couples abuse of the adopted children. In a document issued before he was elected Pope, titled "Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons," then-Cardinal Ratzinger wrote, "Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in (homosexual) unions would actually mean doing violence to these children, in the sense that their condition of dependency would be used to place them in an environment that is not conducive to their full human development."
In Boston however, Governor Mitt Romney yesterday filed legislation seeking an exemption for religious groups from the law requiring homosexual couples be given equal treatment as adoptive parents.
A Boston Globe editorial tore into Romney for the bill, sarcastically reminding Romney that he is "governor, not a Catholic bishop" and further accused Romney, a Mormon, of "accepting instructions on public policy from the pope." Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented, "In perhaps the most anti-Catholic editorial we've seen in years by any major American newspaper, the Boston Globe erupted in a Catholic-bashing furor yesterday that will surely mar its reputation."
Even though many Catholic leaders may not be up to defending the Church on homosexual adoption, Jeff Jacoby, a Jewish columnist at the Boston Globe, did so admirably. In a column titled, "Kids take back seat to gay agenda", Jacoby wrote about the agenda of "the normalization of homosexual adoption." He said, "So important is that agenda to its supporters that they will allow nothing to stand in its way -- not even the well-being of children in dire need of safe and loving families."
And regarding Brokenback...
The homosexual propaganda film Brokeback Mountain may be appreciated by the new archbishop of San Francisco, but the film has received a cold reception from the President of the Mexican Bishops Conference. Bishop Jose Guadalupe Martin Rabago said that within such films "there is a very clear tendency…of inserting a conviction into the atmosphere and mentality of society that a deviated sexual orientation can be considered completely normal."
Bishop Rabago commented on the film now being distributed in Mexico under the title 'Secret on the Mountain'. "People who have this type of orientation deserve respect, because they are human beings...but orientations of this nature are always abnormal, they are deviated orientations," said the bishop. "I can tell you," he continued, "that those of us who have pastoral contact with these types of people know about their great suffering."
Alberta's Minister of Economic Development Clint Dunford said of Brokeback's Oscar wins, "I am pleased. Winning at the Oscars provides a credential booster for both the local crew and for the province. Boosting Alberta's image like this means more film business in the future and the imagery captured by Alberta's inspiring mountain scenery will have a lasting effect on Alberta's tourism for years to come."
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