How about starting the day with a Good Breakfast?

Invitation from The Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino,
Bishop of Madison
Dear Friends,
It is with joyful anticipation that I invite your participation in the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast and surrounding events.
Our Catholic faith works perfectly together with human reason so that God Himself might draw every human heart closer to the truth which culminates in the person of Jesus Christ. Many of our deepest convictions, confirmed clearly by Christ Himself, can also be known by reason alone: The existence of God, the absolute dignity of every human being, and the truth of marriage as a one flesh union between a man and a woman, for a lifetime, with openness to children.
National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Mass
St. Matthews Cathedral
1725 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
His Eminence Theodore Cardinal McCarrick,
Dr. Scott Hahn,
Father Benedict Groeschel,
His Excellency Robert J. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin,
Father Paul McDermott, O.P.
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