Score: Kids 0, Homosexual Nesting 1

Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, Vatican head of the Pontifical Council for the Family, told Fides news service in May that allowing same sex couples to adopt children, “would destroy the child’s future, it would be an act of moral violence against the child.”
Well of course.
Around here they passed a law that kids must use car booster seats through
age 8 for protection. Culture can't stand to see kids ride bicycles without the
protection of helmets. Most kids are driven to school to protect against the
imagined sexual predator hiding around every corner.
But in
Massachusetts things are a little "different".
Putting little boys in homes with men defined by their homosexual acts is
called a civil right of the men. Even though all of history is aware of these
men being drawn to young teen boys, like in 80% of the cases with the ugly priest
scandals, and NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy
Love Association).
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and a top government leader have told a group of bishops that their request that Catholic institutions be exempt from placing foster children with same-sex parents will be denied.
In compliance with the commonwealth’s so-called antidiscrimination laws, the Catholic adoption agency, Catholic Charities of Boston, has already placed children with same-sex couples over the past 20 years.
The bishops’ request was in stark contrast to the wishes of the agency itself, which voted unanimously in December to uphold the practice of placing children in homosexual homes.
Board members expressed “shock” to learn that a potential legal challenge of the antidiscrimination law from the bishop’s would be paid for from the budget of the agency. “I’m shocked,” said board member Donna DePrisco. “I find it hard to believe.” In what may appear to be an ulterior motive on the part of the bishop’s group, one anonymous board member said many on the board would resign if the bishop’s go ahead with their plan.
Posing this story as an attack on Romney appears plain wrong given the full story that Catholic Charities itself is opposing the Bishops' request. It appears that Romney is simply saying that he, the governor, cannot do otherwise given the law of the State.
Good point Carlos.
I was thinking about the sad law, and the attitude of Catholic Charities.
Those 2 things are bad enough.
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