One way to improve justice to the new minority generation

The status of the tax credits may be murky legally, but they are picking up steam politically because of an unusual alliance of conservatives who think the private organizations can run almost anything, including schools, better than the government, and minority parents fed up with what the see as the poor public schools serving their children.
Charter school opponents see them as drains on public schools, since charter pupils take most of their government dollars with them. And public school officials say that they can't cut costs by the full amount of the money they lose, largely because of fixed costs for buildings and other expenses.
Teacher unions and school boards hate the idea of the tax credits, which would total $400 million next year, because they see them draining away money that they say would be better used trying to improve public schools.
It's too late to try again to rebuild public schools, while another
generation mat be at risk. Catholic schools will hopefully provide Morals and
Models along with practical achievement. I know it doesn't help the public
school folks, but it's the children who should come first.
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