If you want it, here it is.. come and get it. But you better hurry cuz it's going fast.

Shameless priests, and now shameless victims. They are as the were.
The settlement offers an average of $610,000 per victim, far higher than recent settlements reached in Seattle and Tucson, Ariz., the statement said. In 2005, the Archdiocese of Seattle paid $425,000 per victim to settle four claims of abuse. The Diocese of Tucson paid $385,000 per claim to 25 victims in 2005.
The payment schedule in the proposed settlement requires the diocese to pay $10 million this year and nearly $27 million more in 20 months, creating "an unacceptably high likelihood of default by the diocese," the statement said. "Default by the diocese translates into foreclosure on parish properties."
The Association of Parishes, which was organized to represent the financial interests of the individual congregations in the diocese, contended the settlement raises the prospect that churches or schools will be sold to raise the money.
"The proposed settlement provides no clear means for funding that obligation, nor does it offer any 'Plan B' other than involuntary liquidation of parish churches and schools," said a statement released Thursday by the group.
The Rev. Steve Dublinski, vicar of the Spokane Diocese, said the parishes are separate legal entities, entitled to their own opinions on the settlement.
He declined to say whether churches would likely be sold or mortgaged in the future.
"I don't want to speculate on what the future might bring," he said.
Unfaithful priests playing with newly pubescent boys, +40 years = a swirling
sinkhole for both. Caught up in the current are church and school
buildings being flushed down the toilet to make way for condos and Wal
Marts, and of course, funding the now old pubescent boys retirement in
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