The friction of civil rights vs a moral society. The issue is our children.

"Today we come together to celebrate … the vocation of marriage between one man and woman,'' Archbishop Harry Flynn said during the Mass. "Today that vocation is under challenge, even under attack.''
"The time-honored and Judeo-Christian definition of marriage as a lifelong union between one man and one woman is under assault from many sides,'' the archdiocese said in a statement released Sunday. "It is because of Catholic unswerving belief in this definition of marriage that we join with other faiths in giving our wholehearted support to the proposed Minnesota Marriage Amendment.''
In the Minnesota Catholic bishops' statement on marriage released in December, they wrote that marriage "was instituted by God at the beginning of creation for the mutual fulfillment of the husband and the wife as well as for the procreation and education of children. This belief obviously flows from a tradition shared by millions.''
"We … are outraged by the position and tactics taken by the Minnesota Catholic bishops in actively endorsing and advocating for the discriminatory and anti-Christian marriage amendment, both from the pulpit and through official Catholic publications,'' said David McCaffrey, one of the protesters.
Some of those gathered outside wore T-shirts stating, "Marriage is a human right, not a heterosexual privilege.''
"There are more people here today because this is more focused,'' said Michael Bayly, one of the participants. "This is a theological issue, but maybe even more so, it is a civil rights issue.''
Brian McNeill, a protester, said that by supporting the proposed amendment, Flynn "broke the long tradition of this archdiocese … to defend the civil rights of those who are marginalized in society.''
I would say that the church is defending the civil rights of the whole of
society to function as designed from the beginning. And to defend the civil
rights of children to expect a mother and father in a home. Parents whose
identity and safe care of children is not defined by their homosexual acts, but
by the example of Adam and Eve, the Holy Family, and morality.
Civil rights will frame the debate because morals are not the issue.
The Church speaks for a moral society. An immoral society is by definition
a living hell.
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