Does a mother need to know that baby begins at conception, and dies with abortion?

Indiana women seeking an abortion would be told life begins at conception under a proposal that would give the state one of the furthest-reaching abortion consent laws in the country.
Only one state -- South Dakota -- has gone so far...
"To put our religion or faithful beliefs into a statute that's going to be law, without being able to back it up scientifically, I have real hard questions about doing that," said Indiana Rep. John Ulmer, a Republican who voted against the bill.
Abortion-rights supporters say that's only true if the information is based in medical fact.
Women seeking to kill their babies because they are unseen and unwanted are
obviously not thinking too clearly about some some important issues such as life
and death.
Reminding them that their child's life journey has begun may not convince
them of their culture's delusions and sanctioned selfishness. But it can't
hurt, and in some number of situations will be their wake up call.
The one girl I know that did abort her baby was not too smart, consumed
with infatuation with her now gone boyfriend who wanted the baby gone, and
rushed to the abortion doctor before she could discuss things with her mother or
So for the sake of mothers like her, this law would have been a needed
The Indiana bill also would require abortion providers to tell women that a fetus may be able to feel pain. Such notice is required in Arkansas, Georgia and Minnesota, but those states specify that it applies to fetuses at 20 weeks gestation or later, while Indiana's proposal does not specify a gestation period.
So something that is in every atheist public school biology textbook is considered religious dogma now?
On the fetal pain thing- will they try to claim that they don't feel pain and that that is ALSO just a religious belief?
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