Anglicans, the social club

I hate to pick on the Anglicans, who are undergoing a split over their new
interpretations of Scripture regarding homosexuality and woman bishops.They draw my focus because the claim to be nearly catholic.
There's an entire column in an Anglican site called Virtue Online... the
Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism.It's about the world after Row v Wade is overturned. Strangely (or perhaps not)
there is no mention of God, or any morals that I can discern in it.Although the first person posting a comment does add something worthwhile..
"it is always the murder and stealing away the life of ones child",
the columnist Michael J. McManus ends by saying "Overturning Roe would lead to a healthier America".
There's also..
"Can't these women either use birth control or learn the value of
abstinence?"Maybe this is just a terrible publication, and my criticism is unfair.
On a better note, here's a
new Priest in California...
A former Episcopalian priest who converted to Catholicism became the first married cleric ordained in the Diocese of San Bernardino under an unusual provision.
As his wife and two children looked on at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Gregory Elder was ordained into the Roman Catholic clergy Friday through a rarely invoked exemption to Canon Law called the Pastoral Provision.
"I'm humbled, it's an honor, and only God could have made this happen," Elder told The Associated Press. "I didn't leave the Episcopal Church because I was mad at them. I wanted to join the church of history. I love my Episcopal friends."
Since 1983, about 80 former Episcopal priests in the United States have been ordained as Catholic priests through the provision..
Elder served as an Episcopal priest for 20 years before converting to Catholicism in 2003.
Just before his death on April 2, John Paul approved Elder's application - presented by former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.
"I can only say from working with Greg that the priests of the diocese have been very welcoming to him and to his wife," Granillo said. "We need the help."
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