An interesting new Exorcism rite (from The Curt Jester)

There are specific signs to look for in discerning Spirit of Vatican II possession. This is not an exhaustive list and a possessed person may or may not hold one or more of the following:
· Advocacy for women priests. If they spell women as womyn proceed to the exorcism immediately.
· If the subject has vocal outbursts in a foreign language they do not speak. The exception is if they speak Latin. Latin is a sure sign that they are not possessed by this specific spirit.
· Denial of the supernatural. If they refer to the miracle of the bread and fish being multiplied as the miracle of sharing do not delay in starting the rite.
· Advocacy of homosexual acts or same-sex marriage. Outright advocacy is an easy case for this rite. Though normally the exorcist will have to discern for themselves when the subject crouches their underlying belief by concentrating on respect for the homosexual person or their anger at the document on not admitting those with deep-seated homosexual tendencies to the seminary. Asking them strait-forward whether they believe that homosexual acts are intrinsically immoral can cut through the obfuscation.
· Advocacy of abortion and/or contraception. Appealing to the "seamless garment" is not a certain test for possession, though it is a indicator to dive deeper.
· If they believe that the document Environment and Art in Catholic Worship which was never approved by the Bishops conference must be held de fidei, but Humanae Vitae and Ordinatio Sacerdotalis can be safely ignored.
· If when making the sign of the cross they repeat Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier.
· Has subscriptions to the National Catholic Reporter, Commonweal, America, and St. Anthony's Messenger.
· Can not say obedience, male hierarchy, Pope Benedict XVI without grimacing
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