Outrageous source

"It is a sure bet that if Griffin had said, 'Suck it, Muhammad,' there would have been a very different reaction," Catholic league president Bill Donohue said in a statement posted on the group's Web site. He called on TV academy president Dick Askin to denounce Griffin's "hate speech" and on Griffin to apologize.
Just what reaction is Mr. Donohue looking for?
Griffin's reaction to the imbroglio, according to a statement issued by her publicist: "Am I the only Catholic left with a sense of humor?"
The speech drew fire from a leading Roman Catholic group, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, which condemned Griffin's remarks as "obscene and blasphemous."
"A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus," an exultant Griffin said, holding up her statuette. "Suck it, Jesus. This award is my god now."
As important as finding out what they said, it's more important to remember who said it. Here is an outrageous woman who tries to make a living by being outrageous. Besides, it's good to remember how it is with lots of folks whose relationship to God the Son is sophomoric. Can we help but be sophomoric in realtion to God? I doubt it.
In fact, I kind of know something of what she means. It is absurd of people to be thanking God for things when all is going well, and forget to thank Him with the same gratitude when things are going not so well.
I have to cringe when some lucky person bubbles up with "I just want to thank Jesus" for whatever... winning a football game, winning the lottery, avoiding a serious accident.. whatever. If that is, they are not quite so bubbly when that same God allows pain, suffering, and death. If we are not able to be thankful for both sides of the same coin, perhaps we should keep our "Thank you Jesus!" 's to ourselves.
I still can not imagine Jesus ever really laughing. Smiling yes, laughing no. He just understands too much to find anything funny.
Jesus endures all sorts of vile bile from his creation all the time. I'm sure he understands. It is not the humor or lack of respect we need to worry about. It is the lack of love.
Mr. Donohue belongs to a group that can't help but defend God's dignity, that's their mission.
But we sinners know our secrets and the offense we offer our Hero and Savior each day. One can hardly offend God's dignity because he is God, and knows the source intimately. I'm not saying so much that to understand all is to forgive all... but rather God's dignity is a given, and it is only our dignity that is harmed by trying to be humorous at his expense.
Unlike some groups (the Middle East comes to mind), Catholics are generally known as a quiet bunch. We suffer for God with God. Our Jesus is the suffering servant. And it is a human response to want to imitate our heros.
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