Helpless by choice

Ask a child why they did something, and you're likely to get back "I don't know".
Answer the judge in a courtroom with "I don't know" and you're going to be treated with contempt.
It's lazy to not grow up. Everyone knows how babies are made. Yet the nine month separation between the act and the birth fools lots of people into not connecting the dots. How many people? The same number that think abortion is a reasonable mother's response to her child.
We won't find their reasoning any more sharp in excusing their actions either.
The same dull thinking that makes babies without expecting a baby to come forth, carries on to their thinking about how reasonable it is to cause the baby to be mushed or sliced to pulp before the nine months completes.
MANILA (Reuters) - Minda is a masseuse with a difference. Her caress is used to abort foetuses.
The 50-year-old grandmother has lost count of the number of pregnancies she has terminated in this largely Roman Catholic country where abortion is illegal and strictly taboo, but where about half a million women end their pregnancies every year.
The petite 44-year old, who declined to give her last name, paid 150 pesos (1.50 pounds) for a hilot, or traditional midwife like Minda, to crush her three-month old foetus using rough strokes and pincer-like grips on her belly.
OK, so it's not pretty. It never is.
What was mom thinking?
Most women who seek abortions are like Remy, married with several children and too poor to afford another baby.
"I felt guilty but I thought it was better than having another child that will only suffer because we have no food," she said in an interview in a slum on the outskirts of Manila.
Looks like adoption of her child never entered her mind. Neither did moving out of the slum. Neither did not having sex in the first place.
I mean, that's the really big unconquered social ill it seems. Some great human default makes us fornicate with partners not worthy to be husbands or wives. As quick as the encounter might be, it still requires social effort. A quest prepared by smiles, and talk, and foreplay, and consumation. An awful lot of work to accomplish as the connection between the act and the baby still remains unconsidered.
Then another delusion comes about. Better to suffer the sight and pain and cost of abortion than meet the baby face to face. I mean, that's really what's being avoided.
Mom is willing to think ahead enough to take the pill, wear a condom, or kill the little one while still as little as possible, to avoid seeing the baby's face or hearing the baby's voice. That is the deep fear that drives all the actions. Not fearful enough though it seems to not commit the sex act in the first place.
Having sex makes babies. Perhaps this should be a stronger marketing effort of the pro-life groups.
But it's easier than that. Or harder perhaps. Women need to walk as adults when doing adult things. Walk awake and aware. Even the "The petite 44-year old". Helpless victim just won't cut it.
Before her abortion, Remy had no access to artificial family planning. If she had, she says she wouldn't have become pregnant and resorted to the potentially life-threatening procedure.
Under President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, a devout Catholic who relies on the support of politically powerful bishops, the central government promotes natural family planning methods such as abstinence when the woman is ovulating.
Abstinence! It's talked about as if it were impossible. And so if Remy had access to "family planning" she wouldn't have become pregnant. Notice the delusion? I'm sure you do. Where's the sex act? Missing. Missing from Remy's thinking, and pro-abortionist's speech. In fact, missing from this whole article except to associate it with those nasty "politically powerful bishops".
So the belief that it is the great human default to be helpless against the sex urge remains powerful. Jesus didn't think so.
Jesus was celibate, our Priests, Nuns, Brothers, and Virgins are celibate. And non-celibate folks are expected to act like adults too.
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