Garbage IN, Garbage OUT

Computer geeks used to have a saying.. Garbage In, Garbage Out.
It means that no matter how well one writes a computer system, if the
information fed into it is wrong, the information coming out of it will be
wrong.If something as basic as a Birth Certificate starts out wrong, then we're
talking about a lifetime of wrong information.So here in the juicial state of New Jersey, we have the impossibility of 2
mothers stated on a poor child's Birth Certificate.Nope, it wasn't an input error. Apparently political will trumps biological
fact.We probably can not call these things simply Birth Certificates anymore.
Perhaps "Birth Information as understood by the Courts at a particular time in
culture" would be clearer.
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. — Two women will be listed as parents on the birth certificate of a baby born this week in New Jersey, one of the first implications of a state Supreme Court ruling that gives same-sex couples access to the same rights as married couples.
Under state law, the husband of a woman who gives birth through artificial insemination is listed on the birth certificate as the father. No such provision is made for lesbian couples, who often go through lengthy and costly adoptions to give both women equal rights as parents.
Ha, lengthy and costly adoptions, and rightly so. There are many rules to
bend, natural and man made, to get to such a illogical conclusion, and many
lawyers to pay along the way to state things "just so".
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