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    Sunday, January 08, 2006

    Is Islam missing something? Satan for one thing.

    Also, Jesus as God.

    If I can assume ‘Gulf Times’ from Qatar is an Islam authority, then they have missed Jesus way back at the fall of the angels.

    Here’s what they understand, as we do:

    For those who wish to know the truth about Satan and his clan and their technique, we quote from the Qur’an – the book of ‘assured certainty.’

    “And surely We created you and then gave you shape, then We told the Angels ‘Prostrate to Adam’, and they prostrated, except Iblees, he refused to be one of those who prostrate.

    (Allah) said: ‘What prevented you (O Iblees) that you did not prostrate when I commanded you?’ Iblees said: ‘I am better than he (Adam). You created me from fire and him You created from clay.’

    (Allah) said: ‘Get you (O Iblees) down from this, it is not for you to be arrogant here, get out, for you are of the meanest ones.’

    (Iblees) said: ‘Respite me till the Day they are raised up (ie the Day of Resurrection).’

    (Allah) said: ‘You are of the respited.’

    (Iblees) said: ‘Because you have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your straight path.’ (7:11-16)

    We know from our New Testament (not Islam’s “corrected” New Testament), that Jesus and Satan were in terrific conflict unto Jesus’ earthly death, and we know that we are in this conflict today.

    That at the very beginning Satan realized Jesus would become man, clay whom Satan already didn’t think much of. It is the tremendous battle between Jesus and Satan and us that defines the devil. It is the absolutely critical thing that helps us understand Jesus’ life on earth, what He did for us, and why.

    Satan would much desire we ignore Jesus, and concentrate solely upon the Father. That’s what he did. To find out that the Son would become man, made Satan an enemy of the Son, as if with the Father and Son, one could be loved, and the other not.

    Islam also denies Jesus’ divinity thanks to the words of their prophet via a particular angel. Whoever this angel was, he did Islam no favor.

    A religion that denies the Son would be missing the whole battle in their understanding of Satan. They also could claim loyalty to the Father, while ignoring the glory of the Son becoming man. Satan’s lesser disloyalty to the Father could then be these ‘clay creatures’. But he has a much bigger problem than that. He has to contend with the Son in the Trinity who became clay, and has defeated him.

    Without Satan, we can not understand Jesus’ time on earth. Without Jesus, Islam can not understand Satan. It is not just Satan’s pride against us clay folks as the Qur’an tells. It is Satan’s will not to bow to any Son of God who would become clay, and forever change himself with his resurrected body.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    first of all i'll like to say sorry if my english

    i'm not a cristian so i dont know if any one will take me serious

    first i wil like to say that the moslims belive in jesus but not like the cristians

    moslims believe him to be the mesenger of god and not the son of god

    jou can find about this in the gospel of barnabas and in the gospel of judas

    there somethings i dont understand about the cristain believes if jesus is god how could he die and if jesus was the son of god why did he not prevented the dead of jesus if you look at the quran you can read that jesus did not die but was accendete to heavens (he is stil considered a prophet and not the son of god or god himself)

    another thing i dont understand is where is the origenaal herbrew bible the oldest bible that can be found is in greek but there are evidense that it has been copied from a herbrew bible

    satan belongs to the djinns they had lived 7000 years on earth and had done many evil thats why god created man

    from that time satan was an enemy of man

    the reason why moslims go to god and not his prophet (or son in cristan believe)becaus jesus himself said that it is not him that is almihty but god (this is written also in the bible)and in the quran it is written that he (god) is the onlyone of his kind there no others like him

    the angel your talking abou is the angel gabriel he is spoken about many times in the bible

    about the divinity jesus himself said al his power come from god and that he has no power

    he also says when he tought his disipels to pray : let us pray to god (sometimes it say father but then he is seen the same as his desipels a man and not a god) in heaven if he was god why did he not say pray to me(also from the bible) so if you read this then what the prophet mohamed said and what the angel told him is not a lie

    budist\jewis\hindoes\avesta\moslimsdont see him is the son of god and with the examplems i just wrote down critianetie als doesn't see him as god or his son but as a prophet

    so if you look correct it is cristians that dont understand the satan
    he is making a second god from a prophet

    moslims are loyale to god and not his masengers god is the only one

    it is cristians that are not loyal to god but his messanger

    the trinity is not from the bible if you do a little researge jou wil vind that the trinity comes from the romans

    we can understand satan without bringing jesus in the discusion and in the quran there are many things wroten about satan and his deeds

    jesus isn't the only one that had problems with satan the prophet mohamed had also a problem with him

    satan does not bow to any man or clay folks as you say

    the photo of the woman is from afghanistan and on the side you wrot qatar

    one last thing why do critians not use the origenal name of jesus

    if you want to contact me please sent a mail to this adres do not try to contact me bij msn i hardly use it

    November 30, 2007  
    Blogger miss d said...

    yes, samad gave some clear explanations there. it's Muslims, jesus was our prophet and we love him as we do all our other prophets. but he is a man, not God. God is God, He does not give birth not was He begotten (Qur'an, chapter 112).

    to the verse you mentioned - on satan not wanting to bow down to adam - is just that: satan was arrogant. God mentions that his creation, the humans are His most greatest. when satan did not want to bow down, it was actually the one thing satan did to disobey God. he was like, rebelling out of arrogance.

    so God punishes satan. and satan in turn vowed to lead humans astray. that's what we see today. satan is luring people to worship him, instead of the One God...because satan wants to show God, how God is wrong. that human beings are not great as God said. not only that, since God promises hell for satan since that incident.....for sure, satan would love it that all the people goes to hell with him! so yes, Muslims believe in satan, who is constantly trying to lead people astray, whispering to us to disobey God. do wrong. and even worse..worship the devil himself.

    that's the way i'd put it. but it would do good that you read more about islam and our believes of satan and jinn to know what we truly believe in. and the concept of God is One, and not trinity? it's all mentioned in the Qur'an as well. everything from the Torah, Psalms, Bible, is in the Qur'an. all the prophets too. try look at the list of chapters of the Qur'an...and names like mary, jonah, hud, children of israel, all there. but most importantly, we also have a chapter titled The Jinn - Chapter 72.

    basically, satan knows God's power. He is the Lord of the worlds. satan does not deny God, only denied adam and his generations. it's interesting really...that we all don't remembers satan all that much...and tend to blame God for everything. but truly..satan is there and always trying to make us fail in gaining God's pleasure.

    well all the best :) and may we keep learning..and gain new knowledge...

    May 24, 2009  

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