Death and 'The Economist'

"In our times we need to say 'no' to the largely dominant culture of death," Benedict said during his improvised homily in the frescoed Sistine Chapel where he was elected Pope last April.
"(There is) an anti-culture demonstrated by the flight to drugs, by the flight from reality, by illusions, by false happiness ... displayed in sexuality which has become pure pleasure devoid of responsibility," he added.
Benedict did not spell out what he meant by a "culture of death",
Note to myself.... MSN is clueless.
Now 'The Economist" is not staffed by dummies, but by very respected economists. Is it possible that in all the announcements by the Vatican, they also never came across the definition?
Perhaps they heard but did not understand. 'The Economist' has good things to say about the declining fertility of Europe...
Humanity was once caught in the trap of high fertility and high mortality. Now it has escaped into the freedom of low fertility and low mortality.
Women's control over the number of children they have is an unqualified good—as is the average person's enjoyment, in rich countries, of ten more years of life than they had in 1960.
So there you have it, control of fertility is "an unqualified good". The statement could not be stronger.
Somehow, the economic equation of mortality / fertility / and more years of "enjoyment" all equate in the end.
I still like the magazine, but must keep reminding myself that they never speak of humanity, but rather the equations of economics.
If they understood humanity, they would understand the Pope when he says:
"(There is) an anti-culture demonstrated by the flight to drugs, by the flight from reality, by illusions, by false happiness ... displayed in sexuality which has become pure pleasure devoid of responsibility," he added.
Get it MSN and 'The Economist'? Sex controlled by contraception and abortion is pleasure without responsibility to God.
I must remember that 'The Economist' does not have God in any equations, and therefore have to add Him myself, and then recalculate the formulas.
I must remember that MSN is clueless.
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