666 now 616

I only mention this in passing...http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44169
610 A.D.
Muhammad Receives First Revelation. Mecca's new materialism and its
traditional idolatry disturbed Muhammad. He began making long retreats to a
mountain cave outside town. There, he fasted and meditated. On one occasion,
after a number of indistinct visionary experiences, Muhammad was visited by an
overpowering presence and instructed to recite words of such beauty and force
that he and others gradually attributed them to God. This experience shook
Muhammad to the core. It was several years before he dared to talk about it
outside his family.
613 A.D.
Muhammad Takes his
Message Public. After several similar experiences, Muhammad finally began to
reveal the messages he was receiving to his tribe. These were gathered verse by
verse and later would become the Qur'an, Islam's sacred scripture. In the next
decade, Muhammad and his followers were first belittled and ridiculed, then
persecuted and physically attacked for departing from traditional Mecca's tribal
ways. Muhammad's message was resolutely monotheistic. For several years, the the
Quraysh, Mecca's dominant tribe, levied a ban on trade with Muhammad's people,
subjecting them to near famine conditions. Toward the end of the decade,
Muhammad's wife and uncle both died. Finally, the leaders of Mecca attempted to
assassinate Muhammad.
622 A.D.
Muhammad and the
Muslims Emigrate to Medina. In 622, Muhammad and his few hundred followers left
Mecca and traveled to Yathrib, the oasis town where his father was buried. The
leaders there were suffering through a vicious civil war, and they had invited
this man well known for his wisdom to act as their mediator. Yathrib soon became
known as Medina, the City of the Prophet. Muhammad remained here for the next
six years, building the first Muslim community and gradually gathering more and
more people to his side.
For centuries, people have been intrigued by the number 666, the "number of the beast" from the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.
Not only is it mentioned in the Bible, it has been associated with the Satanism, universal price codes and the game of roulette, as the numbers on the wheel add up to 666.
Now, the legendary number is getting a fresh look, as researchers are re-examining evidence the number may actually be 616.
Sir Knight’s Book shows why 616 and 666 were both correct “Marks of the Beast.” Multiple W’s in Ancient Hebrew could represent both numbers. “Revelation, WWW is 666” by Daryl Breese.
The upcoming date June 6th, 2006 can be written 6/6/6, I guess, but that is a simple example of the passion and desire people have for the “truth” about the mark and it’s Beast. Numbers repeat everywhere. That simple “truth” of the mark can be found in any Hebrew/Aramaic Concordance. Go to page twenty four in my book, “Revelation, WWW. Is 666” (616), or pick up a NEW AMERICAN EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE HEBREW/ARAMAIC AND GREEK DICTIONARIES by Holman of Nashville Tennessee, 1981. Flip to page 1612, look in the top right corner, 8337A - multiple W’s are pronounced shesh, shishshah, with definitions including six, sixth, sixteen, sixty-six, and 666. Simple truth. 616 and 666 are correct translations of www.
Remember, the original parchment of the Book of Revelation by Saint John has never been found. However, some of the subsequent seven inspired transcribing efforts do exist. These lengthy, hand scribed copies of Revelation that went to the seven churches of Asia, were probably done by John’s students. It would have been nearly impossible for an 80 to 90 year old man to hand write the Apocalypse eight times, from an inkwell. Anyway, these copies showed very little conflict or controversy. Now to understand how two students could copy 616 and 666 and have them both be correct and inspired…the answer is simple, John put what he saw, when he was shown actual scenes of the future by an Angel, into his original record, that was WWW. To reaffirm this, look at it from the other direction of back translation. WWW. is the only answer possible that would allow 616 and 666 to have been translated correctly from any common source, ie. the original missing parchment.
Worried because that is Hebrew? Don’t be! There were no sharp angled W’s in Greek, only rounded ones. Hebrew was the only way to record the mark. Yes, all of The Book of Revelation, except three words were in Semitic Koin¢e Greek. Saint John demonstrated his scholarly knowledge of Ancient Hebrew, also called the language of God, because it was used to write the Ten Commandments and most of the Old Testament, which John studied fervently. John specifically wrote, “and in Hebrew, that’s Abod¢don…” also, “and in Hebrew a place called Armaged¢don.” Do you think John would “mark” the Beast in a temporal language of man?
Two simple Hebrew words in the Scripture of God’s Word that “unlock” the wisdom and “key” to the third………WWW………. the Mark of the Beast!
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