Off Topic: Iran's point of view\01\03\story_3-1-2006_pg7_3
“They have shot two targets with a single bullet — they have built a Jewish camp among the Islamic nations and got rid of the Jews from the whole of Europe.. “The Zionist regime is a part of Europe, which was broken away from Europe and is anti-Islamic in nature,” he said.
He asked why Palestinians who played no party in the killing of Jews in World War II should have been forced to make way for a Jewish state. “Why don’t the Europeans who perpetrated the crime pay the price themselves?” he asked.
Sole logic never gets us anywhere. I wish I could remember who said something like "the definiition of insanity are people who are solely logical". Nazis were certainly logical also. Interesting to see where the foundation for their logic comes from. And if we can't agree on the foundation, then we can't agree. Debate turns into acedemic exercise.
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