Mexicans suffering multi-culturalism,0,6904627.story
The ill will between the two faiths reached new heights in October when the delegados called a community meeting to settle the evangelical "problem." It was decided that a group of evangelical renters living on a parcel of community-owned land would have to clear out by the end of the month.
That same day, the Catholic priest at the San Nicolas church spoke out in his Mass against intolerance."We are all children of God," the priest said, according to news accounts. The Catholic delegados responded by shutting off the church's sound system.
When the delegados prevented the construction of the Pentecostal temple, Cano and about 40 other evangelical Christians briefly worshiped at a home on the fringes of San Nicolas, off the main road through town, past the irrigation ditches that help farmers coax vegetables from the dry soil. Almost as soon as they started meeting, Cano said, Catholic residents began blocking streets around the home. The evangelicals called the local and state authorities, to no avail.
By just obeying for these last 100's of years, dear Mexican have been very good Catholics. Now though comes tribulation, as their culture becomes more fractured, and more Catholic understanding may be required.
I know here in the States, store front churches are having a bonanza field day with Mexican Americans and immigrants.
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