Don't dismiss Limbo just yet
While the Catechism says cautiously that Catholics are "allowed" (not obliged) to "hope" that there is a way of salvation for infants who die unbaptized (#1261), it also emphasizes that "the Church does not know of any means other than Baptism that assures entry into eternal beatitude" (#1257, my emphasis).
As early as 385, Pope St. Siricius, writing to Bishop Himerius, showed that he felt gravely bound in conscience, for the sake of his own salvation, to warn the latter to insist on the baptism of infants as well as adults in his diocese, " ... lest Our own soul be in danger if, as a result being denied the saving font, ... each one of them, on leaving the world, loses both [eternal] life and the kingdom"
Good information to help us ponder the ramifications. It may take the Theologians called by the Pope to study the matter some time. In the mean time, I remember the story of the nurse who secretly baptizes aborted fetuses that survive birth, and babies that have little time to live after birth.
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