Cold in the night, no one in sight... Merry Holiday from Wisconsin
Nonsense from Wisconsin. This is as vulgar as all the advertisements that use "Joy to the World", and "O Come All Ye Faithful" with new words to peddle batteries and cell phones.
"For those who deny that there is a war on Christmas, this Wisconsin school district -- where they changed the lyrics of 'Silent Night' to 'Cold in the Night' -- is essentially Exhibit A."
In my experience, creative marketing types are young and hip and seldom in church. Which could explain their blindness to the sacred. But you would think that still they would have at least a little sensitivity.
"[W]hen a public school intentionally mocks Christian Christmas songs by secularizing their content, they cross the line from a neutral position -- which the Constitution requires -- to a hostile position, which the Constitution forbids."
Basically, all you need to know about the First Amendment free exercise law.
Wisconsin... living up to its progressive image.
That's all I need to know? You make it sound too easy!
But OK, should be easily won in court then.
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