USA lady leads the way

They have Rowan in England trying to keep things together...
Williams said the U.S. wing would have been better off deciding first to approve ordaining clergy in same-sex relationships before consecrating Robinson.
"As it is, someone living in a relationship not theologically officially approved by the church is elected to a bishop--I find that bizarre and puzzling," he said.
Williams does not have the direct authority to force a solution on Anglican churches. However, he has decided not to invite Robinson to a once-a-decade global meeting of Anglican bishops, called the Lambeth Conference, which will be held next year.
The Catholic Church's hierarchy is often talked about as being outdated, and it is suggested it should become more democratic. But led by the Holy Spirit it keeps things together. How the Anglicans have stayed together for these hundreds of years with no authority is amazing to me. I think it has something to do with them in the past having kept close to Rome, considering themselves only one degree separated from the larger Catholic Church. That has pretty much disappeared now.
Williams also did not invite Bishop Martyn Minns, head of a U.S. network of breakaway Episcopal churches formed by the conservative Anglican Church of Nigeria to compete with the American denomination on its home turf.
And they have the smirky USA lady bishop growing tired of waiting for the rest of the world to catch up to her enlightened views...
A top Episcopal Church panel on Thursday turned down demands from overseas Anglican leaders to stop consecrating openly gay bishops and blessing same-sex unions.The 40-member Executive Council, headed by the presiding bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, said such decisions could only be made at the U.S. church's triennial General Convention, to be held next in 2009.
During a teleconference, Jefferts Schori suggested the "conversation" could continue at the U.S. bishops meeting in September in New Orleans.
But the Rev. Canon Kendall S. Harmon, a conservative from South Carolina, said: "It's a clear rejection of any sense of commitment to the Communion."
Ms. Katharine thinks it may take 50 years for the backward orthodox to change their minds and read Scripture re homosexuals as she says "as I read it". Waiting until 2009 is an installment toward that goal.
But I doubt the orthodox Anglicans will wait a generation or two to settle things.
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