How nice

Exactly. This article makes a good point. “It’s very easy for someone to vote for this amendment if they think of the gay person as the ‘other,’” he said.
Given America's live and let live attitude, the winning move from homosexual activists will be to be nice. Then we're really likely to leave them alone to do what they do.
As he says.. “If you actually talk to [straight] married people,” he said, “they don’t feel that their marriages are threatened, and they don’t feel that the institution is threatened.”.
And as she says.. Should the amendment get on the ballot, there are many political arguments that can (and will) be made, but the most effective tool, she said, will be people telling their personal stories. “It’s one thing to hear about the issue,” she said. “It’s another thing to know someone. That makes the difference.”
Getting to know them; not feeling threatened. This is not what these morals in question are about. And as you may notice, there is no discussion in the article about morals. That's not on their radar. It's feelings. It's rights. But you know it's all about morals to the people that want to stop this nonsense.
And along with morals it's about the kids. These strange couples are pretty sure they would make great parents, or at least no worse than the hetrosexual marriages they try to mimic.
Yes, except for the kids. Why get married if you don't want kids? Some old folks do, but mainly young marrieds keep kids in mind. And it's when we think of kids, then it's time to think hard about what these type of arrangements will do to the kids.
We know it won't do nothing. And the something it will do, the Church calls child abuse. And when it comes to committed men doing what they do, I say again that we all know this is not where a too young boy belongs.
Let's see what they think of kids... “We are a committed couple. We’ve been together for 10 years. Jamie’s a nurse practitioner; I’m a social worker. We do good things in society. We want to raise children.
We do good things and we want to raise children. Yikes.
One thing I will admit is that it is always harder to look someone in the eye who's being nice, and stick to right and wrong. So much easier to just let live and let live. But it's the kids, and will always be.
I now pronounce you married.’” Ashley said. “To know that those words were legal, and legally binding words, was pretty incredible … Marriage is the way in our society that we give a lot of social and economic privileges, and to have that kind of security in my relationship with Jamie, as future parents, as homeowners, as partners, is huge.”
And when they have a baby, sometime in the near future, they hope, they will still have to take additional legal precautions, like second- parent adoption, to protect their family.
Now having a baby is of course impossible for a really good reason. But they will call it having a baby by taking anonymous sperm or taking someone else's baby. Odd no? Very.
So will we succumb to nice or remember right and wrong? If we keep the kids in mind it may help our decision.
Oh and St. Anthony's shrine and it's nice lector? Not a place I would make a pilgramage to.
At St. Anthony’s Shrine in Boston, where he is an active member and a lector, Pomfret said, and where the church’s position is that “all are welcome,” he has already started making his views on the subject clear. He has exchanged “cordial correspondence” with Cardinal O’Malley’s secretary, he said — though “essentially they’ve said they’re going to keep me in their prayers,” — and has talked to many fellow parishioners, both formally and informally.
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