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    Thursday, November 09, 2006

    Startling difference

    Seamless geography, amazing difference in culture and wealth.

    For better
    or worse, one culture is poor, the other not.

    The fence is an ugly
    thing, as are the reasons people risk their life to cross it.

    immigrants from around the world that are here, that I know, are here for the
    money. Sometimes other words are used such as health care (it's the money),
    education (it's the money), jobs (it's the money).

    Why can't Mexico fix
    the money problem? It's the people.

    I know there must be much evidence
    that somehow, Mexicans are victims of history, but let's get on with it.

    They are already nicely Catholic and Christian. But on a worldly level,
    if the government structures are the problem, fix it. If the culture lends
    itself to being poor and is more attractive than a more money making one, then
    forget the money.

    Stop running away.

    Sorry, I don't like my
    conclusion either.


    Ahead of a meeting with President Bush, Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon is acknowledging his unhappiness with U.S. border security measures, saying the two countries need “bridges for progress and not walls that isolate and divide.”

    Calderon acknowledged Wednesday that illegal border-crossings into the United States is an unpleasant issue for both countries, saying it raises enormous sensitivity in the United States and “takes away the most daring part of our population and divides our families.”
    In a statement issued Wednesday from Mexico City, U.S. Ambassador Antonio Garza said Bush and Calderon planned to discuss problems along the border caused by criminals and narco-traffickers.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    President Bush and President Calderon are wrong wanting a Bracero (Guest Worker) program that work for lower wages than the minimum wage in the United States. Cesar Chavez fought against low wage pay with big farmers who took all the profits.
    The United States workers need protection from Bracero programs that cut their wages. Don't exploit
    Mexican workers. Why not buy tomatoes from Mexico? Maybe find a Cesar Chaves in Mexico to raise their own low pay. Are the Presidents working together to help poor people or expoit them?

    November 09, 2006  

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