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    Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    I admit that I would be one to move

    One in six people in Britain's capital have admitted moving seats on public transport to avoid a passenger they think is Muslim, according to a survey published.


    Some 35 percent of travellers in London said they had felt nervous or uncomfortable in the last year because someone of south Asian or north African appearance had got on their underground train or bus.

    Of that number, nearly half said they had moved seats or sat down away from them, the survey, by pollsters YouGov for London's Evening Standard newspaper, suggested on Tuesday.
    On July 7 last year, 56 people were killed when four Muslim suicide bombers -- three of them Britons of Pakistani origin -- detonated explosives on three underground trains and a double-decker bus.

    An alleged plot to replicate the attacks was foiled two weeks later and since then there have been a number of high-profile counter-terrorism operations.


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