A nice sound bite regarding the Pope's Eros and Agape encyclical

As to the Pope's encyclical, no commentary can do it full justice. The Pope opens up inexhaustible vistas for thought and prayer.
God is both Eros and Agape. Eros is not using the body as a commodity alienated from our minds, souls, and spirits. The human being is a unity of both body and soul, a person.
Eros is an essential part of that unity that points us to God who is both eros and agape. Eros does not point us to perversion or exploitation or the ennui of immorality. Eros points us to the ecstasy of God, the perfection of the true, the good, and the beautiful.
Combine the Pope's encyclical with the Theology of the Body of John Paul the Great and you get the Catholic and Christian nuclear explosion that is the real sexual revolution.
What passes for the secular sexual revolution is merely sound and fury signifying nothing and ending in nothing but lassitude, malaise, disillusionment, boredom, and compulsiveness.
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