1st death? Here we go. Priest killed by "allah is Greater" teen
Only in Asia do we get the "God is great" quote. Either the Vatican ambassador was wrong, or it is simply suppressed everywhere else.

An Italian Roman Catholic priest was shot and killed Sunday in the courtyard of his church in the Black Sea port city of Trabzon, Turkish police said.
The police official would not say if the attack might have been linked to the printing in European newspapers of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, which has caused anger in Muslim countries.
"An irresponsible caricaturist comes and attacks my prophet, he has no right," Erdogan said, addressing his party supporters in Istanbul.
"(But) to burn and to destroy is also wrong," Erdogan said. "There is no solution at the end of the gun."

An Italian Roman Catholic priest was shot and killed Sunday in the courtyard of his church in the Black Sea port city of Trabzon, Turkish police said.
The police official would not say if the attack might have been linked to the printing in European newspapers of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, which has caused anger in Muslim countries.
"An irresponsible caricaturist comes and attacks my prophet, he has no right," Erdogan said, addressing his party supporters in Istanbul.
"(But) to burn and to destroy is also wrong," Erdogan said. "There is no solution at the end of the gun."
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