Viet Nam Merry Christmas
Like Catholics nationwide, nearly 400,000 Christians of 645 dioceses in Red river delta Nam Dinh province on December 24 jubilantly celebrated Christmas, which has over recent years become a festival not only for Christians but for all.
Vu Cong Vu, a Catholic follower from Bui Chu diocese, joyfully said: “Thanks to the Party, State and local government’s assistance, the lives of Christians like us have been improved both spiritually and materially and churches have been upgraded. I believe that Catholics will has a merry and happy Christmas.”
I though I was just reading that religious freedom in Viet Nam was pretty bad. This seems to say otherwise. Then there is the.. “Thanks to the Party, State and local government’s assistance" thing. Sounds a bit communist. Still, 400,000 is a big number.
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