Catholic Interest

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  • ..the devil's in the details..
  • ... John 5 25-29 ...
  • National Shrine in Wash. D.C>
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    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    What in the world are the Orthodox doing in this NCC group?

    Or put another way, I can see why the Roman Catholic Church is not
    associated with the NCC.

    Although there is this strange disclaimer.. is an interfaith
    program of the National Council of Churches of Christ, USA. The Faithful State
    of the Union Address
    is not an official statement of the Council.

    Allegations of secret U.S. prisons, denying detainees due process, charges that the U.S. is "outsourcing" its torture to other nations, and the President's unapologetic seize of privacy rights by ordering electronic eavesdropping without Congressional approval, all signal a tragic sacrifice of our nation's most cherished moral values upon the altar of arrogant self interest.
    An Arab proverb states that arrogance diminishes wisdom.

    At a gathering of political contributors President Bush had this to say to his audience:
    "This is an impressive crowd: the have's and have-more's. Some people call you the elites. I call you my base."
    At another gathering on a hillside in Galilee, Jesus had this to say to his audience:
    "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

    We are a nation at war. Ordinarily it is a time in our national life to come together around the effort to secure a victory and celebrate the rightness of our cause.
    This is not such a time.
    We are a nation at war, but our leaders have committed a grave error, for this war is of our own making. The Iraq war is unjust, unnecessary, and immoral.

    Even as weather patterns destabilize around the globe, glaciers melt, seas rise and winds blow erratically, the Bush administration resolutely refuses to acknowledge U.S. responsibility and take action to halt these dangerous patterns. Some scientists believe it is already too late -- that the events we have set in motion cannot be reversed in time to save our planet.
    Native American wisdom teaches us to us to walk lightly upon the earth -- so that all we do may bless the earth and its inhabitants for seven generations. The prophet Micah would agree.

    High School leftist rant.


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