Liturgy pet peeve

This whole choreography of ushers, readers, cantors, and altar assistants standing around, then slowly receiving Communion, then going out to the crowd seems very bulky.
The clothing is wrong, the long pause while the crowd waits for their chance to advance to the altar, and my general feeling of “who are these guys?” all make it bothersome to me. They look like some kind of committee.
I think it started out with the extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers only, but has grown to way too many people.
I do applaud the recent directives to keep the Priest in the close proximity of the Altar during the Sign of Peace. His glad handing throughout the whole church, while leaving Jesus alone on the Altar is obtuse, and just poor form. Now I hear they may move the Sign of Peace to some other part of the Mass. Alleluia.
If they moved it after the final blessing, I could refreshingly get the last hymn in before everyone runs away.
Although no one would probably hear it over all that "peace" murmur.
One church has it right after the Confession of Sin, and before the Gloria. That seemed very good.
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